Our learning and career development programs give young people opportunities to strengthen and acquire new skills, test their abilities, and enhance career readiness.

Discovery Lab
For youth aged 8 – 11
Discovery Lab engage kids in science concepts through an interactive 8-week curriculum that connects science to real world contexts. The program focuses on hands-on experiments, increases understanding of scientific approaches, and creates opportunities for problem solving, idea refinement, and iterative learning.

Kid Tech Nation
For children aged 7 – 12
Kid Tech Nation teaches children digital skills, coding concepts, internet safety, and computational thinking, while building Club staff capacity with digital training and teaching resources. The program also focuses on engaging young people that are typically underrepresented in STEM fields: girls, racialized and Indigenous children, and children from newcomer families.

Power Up!
For children aged 6 – 12
Power Up! is an academic support program that helps kids develop positive study habits and practices at school, and encourages a life-long interest in learning. Participants are given the tools and environment necessary to set and plan for academic goals, and are helped along the way by volunteer tutors and mentors.
Generously supported by

This Way ONward
For youth aged 16 and up
With skill-building that includes resume writing, job searching, mock interviewing, and real work experience, This Way ONward prepares teens to land a job at a Gap, Old Navy, or Banana Republic store. Participants are guaranteed an interview, and upon hiring they receive on-the-job support from their Club’s job coaches and Gap Inc. staff.
Generously supported by