BGC Canada’s Parenting Programs not only work on strengthening family relationships, but also help create a sense of community and connection to other parents experiencing similar challenges.

Parents Together
For parents
Parents Together is an ongoing professionally-facilitated education and group support program for parents who are experiencing challenges while parenting a teen. Parents come to the group with a wide range of concerns, often feeling guilty, isolated, and not sure what to do. In a non-judgmental setting, this program helps parents address these feelings and develop new skills and knowledge that can help decrease conflict in the home.

Parenting Without Power Struggles
For parents
Aimed for parents of preteens , this ten-week program encourages parents to build on their family strengths, gain confidence in parenting an emerging teen, and discover practical ideas on how to prepare for the transition from preteen to teen.

Parents in the Know
For parents
Parents of teens attend this ten-week education and support program to learn more about adolescent development, teen mental health, and other common issues that parents experience. Local guest speakers, community resources, practical ideas, and connections with others experiencing similar issues help parents feel better equipped to parent their teen.

Parenting Workshops
For parents
Parenting Workshops are available to Clubs across Canada. The workshops help parents build on their family strengths, learn about adolescent brain development, and discover practical ideas and strategies for parenting a preteen or teen. Workshop topics include:
- Preparing for the Teen Years
- Navigating the Teen Years
- Connecting through Communication
- Family Values
- Stress and Anxiety
- Living in a Stepfamily