Pink Shirt Day originated in Nova Scotia, where a group of friends stood up for a Grade 9 boy who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt by getting several people in their school to wear pink tank tops the next day. Now, Pink Shirt Day is a global movement celebrated in almost 180 countries through donations, social media, and acts of kindness!
Scroll down to find out how BGC Clubs across the country are celebrating Pink Shirt Day!
2023 Pink Shirt Day toolkit
This year, Hershey’s is the official sponsor of a national Pink Shirt Day activation for BGC Clubs across Canada. Together, we are releasing Club toolkits, hosting awareness events, and offering grants to Clubs across Canada to run their own Pink Shirt Day programs and a social media awareness campaign.
Held on February 22, 2023, Pink Shirt Day is quickly approaching. This toolkit is meant to help prepare Clubs with resources and tips like: how to prepare for Pink Shirt Day, activities for different age groups, discussion prompts, a social media toolkit, and more!
Activations from 2022
Everyone can play a part in being kind and creating a sense of belonging for others. In the spirit of kindness and belonging, BGC Clubs across the country took part in all sorts of activities during the week of Pink Shirt Day in 2022, like colouring, discussions, social media posts, and more.