On November 15, BGC Canada Staff, Club Leaders, and two of BGC Canada’s National Youth of the Year met on Parliament Hill to engage in conversation with Ministers, Members of Parliament, and staff from all parties.
From left to right: Gwendolyn (BGC Canada), Moncef (BGC Moncton), Amy (BGC Kawarthas), Shahaddah (YOY), Jeremy (BGC Okanagan), Jenna Sudds (MP)
Through conversations with Parliamentarians, BGC Canada, and our representatives were able to highlight the need for federal investment in before- and after-school care, a national labour force strategy for the social and community services sector, and increased funding for the Community Services Recovery Fund. Our full pre-budget submission is available here.
At BGC, we know that opportunity changes everything. Children and youth who attend BGC Clubs have fewer interactions with the justice system, improved mental and physical health, and struggle less with academics. Our recommendations for Budget 2023 highlight the need not only to support youth, but also the staff and organizations who support them. Together, we can help children and youth achieve their dreams and grow up to be healthy, successful, and active participants in society.
From left to right: Kerry(BGCBigs), Valentina (YOY 2021), Gary Anadasangaree (MP), and Owen (President and CEO, BGC Canada)
BGC Clubs’ impact on young people
- Children and youth who attend BGC Clubs have fewer interactions with the justice system, improved mental and physical health, and struggle less with academics
- Because of Club, more than 90% of our children and youth:
- have more people they like to spend time with
- take more initiative
- are more excited to try new things
- have greater confidence in their abilities
- have a more positive influence on others
- make better choices
About BGC Canada
For 120+ years, BGC Canada has been creating opportunities for millions of Canadian kids and teens. As Canada’s largest child and youth serving charitable and community services organization, our Clubs open their doors to young people of all ages and their families at 736 locations nationwide. During out-of-school hours in small and large cities, and rural and Indigenous communities, our trained staff and volunteers provide programs and services that help young people realize positive outcomes in self-expression, academics, healthy living, physical activity, job readiness, mental wellness, social development, leadership, and more. Opportunity changes everything. Learn more at bgccan.com and follow us on social media @BGCCAN.